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Currently, I am working on a follow-up novel to Ruination called Decimation. I have many other story ideas in mind that I hope to release in the future, too. For more information on what's coming, check out my blog.

Dark Savior Series

The Dark Savior Series follows Joel - a young mute - and his friends on their various journeys to stop the revival of an ancient being known as the Dark Savior. On these journeys they'll face many horrific challenges and dangers such as the mines of Mt. Couture, the murky waters of Lake Teras, or the maze-like sewers of Endoshire.


Evil minds conspire to break the seals which imprison the Dark Savior in another world. It's up to Joel and his ragtag group of friends to stop them. The fate of humanity may depend on it!​


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Felix Sharp Jr. believes that he and his research team have made the discovery of the century: the cure for cancer. With only a couple of months of testing left to go before clinical trials begin, he celebrates with his closest friends and family in private.

But when news of the would-be cure is leaked to the media prematurely, Felix begins to suspect that corporate espionage is afoot. At the top of his list of suspects is LaoCare, a pharmaceutical giant that is developing its own cancer treatment. As inconveniences and problems surrounding the cure pile up, paranoia begins to dominate Felix's everyday life. He worries that LaoCare has bought off one of his close friends or co-workers, and he no longer knows who can be trusted.

Is someone out to get Felix? Or is his mind simply coping with difficult times?



Two years out of college and still unemployed, Jobeth Barone accepts a mysterious company’s invitation to interview in a desperate attempt to reverse her fortunes. Expecting it to be a scam, Jo is shocked to find a busy workplace that employs hundreds of people. They offer her a position with excellent pay and benefits to match. The catch? This isn’t your typical office job.

Enter: Deo-Tec Solutions. Where the objectives are fast-paced, the clientele demanding, and the inner competition fierce. In her new position, Jo finds herself behind a screen; playing judge, jury, and executioner to targets who are unaware of her presence. She is assured by management that these are bad people who deserve what’s happening to them, but can she handle the responsibility and burden of effectively ruining their lives? Or will she become degenerate, like the very people she is paid to destroy?

At a company like Deo-Tec, some questions are better left unasked.


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